Woman laying in bed and looking at a tablet

How to Use Tech to Ease Back Into the School Routine

Summer is coming to an end and if you’re like me, you can’t wait to get the kids back in school! I think we can all agree that parenting is much harder when you can’t send the children somewhere else every day. I think if I hear “what are we going to do today?” one more time, I just might lock myself in my room and never come out.

In all seriousness though, now that school has been out for a couple of months, there are new routines (or maybe no routines!) set in place. We’ve become comfortable being off-schedule and doing whatever, whenever. That being said, panic may start to set in when we get the reminder of school starting back up again. As happy as we are to get the kids back to learning and being productive, it can be intimidating knowing that we will need to get them somewhere, on time, every single morning.

So, we’ve come up with a few tips to help ease yourself (and your kids!) back into the groove of school.

Get back into a routine beforehand.

A week or two before school begins, start establishing a normal schedule. Get the kids to bed as if it were a school night and wake them up at the same time they’ll need to get up to get ready for school. This will eliminate the shock value of getting up early once that first day arrives. For both you AND your children.

You can start by installing blue light filters on any screens the family uses at night. This can reduce the time it takes you to fall asleep by 20%! It’s super easy to do with mobile devices. Find more information on how to install blue light filters here.

Organize school supplies.

Get out those backpacks! Take a look at the tablets, notebooks, pencils, etc. that you have on hand. Will your child need more? Are you missing anything? If so, make a list of what you need and go shop for supplies! It may also be a good idea to talk to your child’s teacher, in case anything particular should be brought to class.

Take inventory of clothes.

Most likely, your child has outgrown most of their school clothes from last year. Check their closet and donate anything too small or sell gently used items on thredUP to fund new school clothes. Make sure your child has proper school shoes that fit and be sure to make a list of anything additional you’ll need to shop for. Going to the store prepared will make for a more budget-friendly and organized shopping trip!

Establish a morning routine.

A week before school starts, ease into a new morning routine. What time will you get up in the morning? What time will your kids need to be up? What do all of you need to accomplish before heading out the door? Setting a habit of when to get up, get ready, have breakfast, and complete small tasks will set your whole family up for success.

Have a kid who can never find their things? Or constantly being slowed down by misplaced keys? A Tile 4-pack may be the perfect solution. Simply attach a Tile to your child’s backpack, or whatever else seems to get lost easily, and use your smartphone to locate it instantly.

Get ready for lunch packing again.

Part of the beauty of summertime is not having to pack lunches! Sadly, that time is coming to an end. Prepare yourself by stocking up on all the essentials. Check your child’s lunch box. Does it need to be cleaned? Or is it a lost cause and you need to purchase something new? Remember to bring a detailed list to the grocery store!

No time for grocery shopping? Have small kids who throw fits every time you set foot in a grocery store? (Slowly raises hand). Check out apps like Shipt, which allow you to order your groceries via mobile app and have them delivered right to your door!

Need some packed lunch inspiration? Check out these awesome (no repeat!) ideas from The Pinning Mama!

Clean out the car!

Okay, so this one is solely based off of personal preference. For me, I start to feel very anxious when my car is filled with Nutri-Grain Bar crumbs, trash, and half-empty water bottles. Especially during the summer, I tend to get lazy with cleaning out my SUV. If you’re like me, make it a point to clean out that vehicle! You’ll feel so much better during drop off and pick up when school is back in session.

The cool thing is, in this day and age, you don’t even need to leave your house to get your car washed and detailed! There are now companies, such as SweetWorxx, that will pick up your vehicle, wash it, and then drop it back off! No need for dragging the kids to the car wash. Stay home and relax and let others do the work for you.

Getting back into the routine of going to school is an adjustment for everyone. The life of a parent is already stressful enough, so hopefully these plan-ahead tips will make the transition a little bit easier!

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