
See You At CUE Spring 2019

Are you attending CUE Spring 2019? From March 14-16 in Palm Springs, California, you can join Ozobot and hundreds of other computer-using educators for one of the top conferences in our industry. At CUE, you can see the latest in education innovation and hear from some of the top names in the business.

We learn just as much about education best practices and ideas from CUE as we teach, and try to apply the lessons we learn to our products and education tools. If you’re attending CUE, come say hello to Evo and of course the entire Ozobot team.

What Is CUE?

For the past 41 years, CUE has offered a support system for educators to learn, train with each other, and discover innovative ways to improve the classroom experience. From small workshops to large conferences, this group helps computer-using educators (CUE) take their craft to the next level. There are almost 23,000 members across 22 regional affiliates and six learning networks connected to CUE. Even if you have to miss this conference, you can follow their events calendar for upcoming training sessions, workshops, and presentations for teachers.

What Can You Expect This Year?

The first thing to know when attending CUE’s Spring 2019 conference is that you can’t attend every session—even if you wanted to. There is so much going on and so many different programs, presentations, and round tables that no single person can possibly get to each. It’s not uncommon for school districts and companies to send multiple team members to CUE to divide and conquer as much as they can.

The conference is for educators and district leaders and taught by fellow teachers and administrators. Choose those sessions that directly meet your needs and give you tools to implement new ideas in the classroom. The sessions are meant to be dynamic, so you can ask teachers who have been where you are for advice and tips for success.

When you look at the program, you’ll see that the agenda is divided into different colors based on presentation type. There are keynote speeches, panels, free and paid workshops, events, breakout sessions, poster sessions, and more. Check the expanded view of the Spring CUE schedule for in-depth descriptions of the various activities and options available to you.

If this is your first time at CUE, consider attending the orientation session on March 14 before the conference kicks off. This will help guide you through your options and give you a plan of action. There is also a concierge desk available throughout the conference to help you.

Who Are the Keynote Speakers?

There are two keynote presentations at this conference, each offering something unique. Alice Chen and Martin Cisneros are kicking off the conference with a keynote duet.

Alic Chen is a teacher and tech coach at the Walnut Valley Unified School District. She has worked in the classroom for more than 20 years is also a Google for Education Certified Innovator, KQED Teacher Ambassador, and Lead PBS Digital Innovator. Chen represented her school as the 2012 Teacher of the Year.

Martin Ricardo Cisneros of TheTechProfe brand will partner with Chen in the keynote presentation. An academic innovation specialist who “develops and facilitates professional learning on the most current educational trends,” he has more than 25 years of experience working with students and has helped educators develop curricula on the school, district, and university levels.

CUE is calling Chen and Cisneros’ keynote a duet, but it very well may become a duel. The two will work together to discuss a single education concept, but they won’t see their slides or notes beforehand. Each speaker will get a timed slide and chance to add to the other’s ideas.

The keynote will be moderated by John Eick, executive director of Westlake Charter School. What started as a volunteer gig to direct a high school play turned into a decades-long passion for learning and teaching. Eick works closely with his school and district to bring the best technology to improve the educational experience.

The keynote duel is just the first presentation of the conference. Dr. Eric Thomas, who is presenting a keynote later in the conference, isn’t worried about filling the big shoes set by the opening speakers. Thomas is an author, educator, pastor, and world-renowned speaker.

He used his experience and voice to create International Urban Education Consultants, “a non-profit organization committed to finding solutions to close the achievement gap in urban schools through goal framing and helping students to reform their perception of learning.” Thomas is sure to motivate attendees and help them find their inner passions for helping students approach learning in unique ways.

Where Can You Find Ozobot?

No visit to CUE is complete without stopping by to see us. You can find Ozobot on the exhibition floor, at booth’s 309 and 311, with our favorite projects that show teachers how playing with robots can help kids learn a wide range of STEAM subjects from biology to music.

Along with the Ozobot staff, we will have some of our Certified Educators with us sharing their experiences using Ozobots in the classroom. Ask them for pro tips on lesson plan development and hear about some of the creative ideas they have implemented in the classroom.

What Sessions and Activities Are We Looking Forward To?

There’s something for everyone at CUE, but there are a few sessions that stand out to us as essential to attend. We are passionate about these topics and love the unique spin that many of the presenters add. Make sure these top picks are on your agenda.

Maker, Maker Everywhere. Now’s the Time to Make

Julia Maynard, a teacher in the San Francisco Unified School District, is leading a session helping teachers incorporate makerspaces into any curriculum. Attendees will learn how to work with librarians to develop a makerspace and convince anyone that a makerspace is a valuable use of time and resources.

Starting a Coding Club

This session is ideal for teachers who are looking to start coding clubs in their schools, but don’t know what is available to them. The program will review resources you can use, opportunities to get started, and tips for engaging students. It is lead by Christina Foust and Andrew Collins, who lead educator training programs for the Raspberry Pi Foundation.

Barboza Space Center’s Student Mars Robot Showcase

The Barboza Space Center of Long Beach creates fellowships and internships for students to design Mars robots, lab prototypes, tools for repairs, and maintenance and other valuable inventions to help in space exploration as part of their Occupy Mars Learning Adventures. Visit their showcase to see what some of the best and brightest students are building.

Bootstrap Algebra: Coding Video Games with Algebra

Learn how you can incorporate video game development into the classroom while teaching algebra. Students learn Common Core requirements while playing and practicing the basics of coding. This session is lead by Ed Campos, a regional manager and outreach coordinator for BootstrapCS.

I Want My Students to Podcast, HELP!!!

Brian Briggs, director of innovation and instructional technology at Plumas Lake Elementary School District, and Ryan O’Donnell, technology teacher on special assignment of Rocklin California, are leading this session on kids podcasting in the classroom. Teachers can learn how to start a podcast in the classroom through hands-on instruction. You can even start a podcast as you sit and participate in the session so you can see what it is like receiving and giving instruction.

STEAMing with Washington and Jefferson

Robin Pulido of St. Rose of Lima School is leading this discussion of STEAM in cross-curriculum learning. Social studies teachers don’t have to feel left out of the STEAM narrative! They can incorporate STEAM learning in their class regardless of the age of students and subject.

Math and Mixed Media: Creating Student Narratives through Art

Lead by Kristine Schneid, this session highlights how math can be used to help students express themselves creatively and communicate with the world. This session is essential for teachers looking to combine different subjects in the STEAM curriculum or at least use art to help students overcome their fear of math.

We can’t wait to see you at this year’s CUE Spring 2019 showcase! Stop by and say hi, ask us any questions you have and share your ideas on how to make Ozobot the best educational tool in your classroom.

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