Ozobot 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Implementing Ozobot in Your Classroom

Inside Ozobot: STEAM Lessons Our Team Is Loving!

At Ozobot, we’re all about creativity, hands-on learning, and pushing the boundaries of what students can achieve through STEAM education. Our lessons are designed to ignite curiosity, foster critical thinking, and bring real-world problem-solving to life in fun and engaging ways. Here’s a peek at some of the lessons our team can’t get enough of!

Michaela Baruch, VP of EDU Strategy

Michaela’s Picks: Fooled By The Bug and Skater Safety

“I love Fooled By The Bug because it incorporates essential skills that great scientists need: resilience and critical thinking to refine their work for the most optimal and accurate solutions. Plus, students get to create a “bugged” program for their classmates to debug, which introduces a fun reverse engineering moment in the classroom.

Skater Safety is a highly engaging application of basic STEAM skills for early elementary students. It involves analyzing a situation to identify risks and determine the safest way to navigate the Ozobot through the track. Students make observations and gather information to solve the problem of safe skateboarding!” 

Kristin Archer, VP of Marketing

Kristin’s Favorite: Orientation with Ozobot

“Everyone’s been there—it’s your first day of school, and you feel like a fish out of water! This relatable lesson provides a fantastic opportunity for coders to practice guiding new students around campus or navigating new territory themselves. Adding the challenge of setting up a path for Ozobot to travel from class to class introduces a fun twist to STEAM learning by integrating real-world challenges. With back-to-school season upon us, it feels like the perfect time to share this as one of my all-time favorite Ozobot lessons!”

Jordan Hanna, Curriculum Developer

Jordan’s Top Picks: Infrared Secrets Part 1 and Part 2

“This lesson series demonstrates how to transmit a secret using Ozobot’s infrared sensors, incorporating advanced concepts like randomization, conditional logic, and variables. Additionally, it imparts a life lesson about gossiping and sharing secrets.”

Ryan Smith, Jr. Industrial Designer

Ryan’s Must-Try: International Space Station Ozo-some Mission

“This lesson stands out by blending creativity, problem-solving, and hands-on learning. Students will use geometry to design a 2D ISS Module for Ozobot, and then they’ll code their bot to complete challenges based on dice rolls. The mix of design, coding, and surprise keeps it fun and engaging while reinforcing key STEAM concepts. Students will love how interactive and game-like it is, sparking teamwork and critical thinking in a playful way.” 

These are just a few of the lessons that have inspired our team! Explore Ozobot Classroom for our full library of STEAM lessons, designed to spark creativity and build essential STEM skills in your students.

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