
FETC and TCEA 2019 Recap: The Evo Dome Steals the Show

If you did not get a chance to check out our Ozobot booth in person to start off the 2019 show season, you may be experiencing some FOMO right now. But never fear, our FETC and TCEA recap is here!

We went in with the goal to show educators how we make STEAM simple with 2 Ways to Code—connected with OzoBlockly and screen-free with Color Codes—and unveiled what’s next for the Ozobot Edu platform: a solution that will make it even easier for educators to engage students in coding and STEAM. To get a sneak peek at that solution, be sure to catch us at one of these upcoming shows:

  • CUE, March 16–18 in Palm Springs
  • ISTE, June 23–26 in Philadelphia

Educators also explored selections from Ozobot’s library of 150+ STEAM lessons at the booth and had the opportunity to pick up an Educator Entry Kit. Our newest Ozobot Edu product, the Educator Entry Kit comes with one Evo robot and comprehensive, one-hour educator training in both OzoBlockly and Color Codes.

Check out the pictures, tweets, and quotes below from Ozobot-ers and educators who were there in the flesh to experience FETC & TCEA from their perspectives!

First up, Take a Gander at The Evo Dome!

Our Evo Dome, as it came to be fondly known over the course of both events, proved to be a selfie-worthy show-stopper.

Read more about the inspiration behind creating the Evo Dome from Ozobot-er Sarah:

“The Ozobot booth for 2019 is the result of a great collaboration between the Sales and Creative teams. It was thought up as a place to welcome visitors to walk in and invite them to be a part of the experience we wanted to deliver. In that regard, we built in a semi-dome made out of metal and plexiglass and covered by a holographic filter. This casts a halo effect of colors into the booth and outside it, tying into the main objective of creating Evo’s world and making visitors feel like they are in Evo’s head, seeing life in colors.”

Turns out that the chance to get inside Evo drew quite a crowd! But there was more to it than that, with Ozobot staffers walking visitors through coding with OzoBlockly and Color Codes. As Ozobot-er Justin put it, “when educators are willing to wait in line because you are giving them quality 1:1 time, you know you have created something special.”

FETC (Future of Education Tech Conference, January 27-30, 2019 in Orlando, FL)

As our first show where we unveiled the Evo Dome along with the upcoming expansion of the Ozobot Edu platform, teachers took to Twitter to document their visit to our FETC experience.

That picture also fulfilled an idea someone had during the design phase a couple months back: “Wouldn’t it be cool if we had an Ozobot-er jump in to join an excited attendee’s picture?” Enter Diego = our Ozo-hero of the day.

Another highlight at FETC was our fearless leader and CEO Nader’s Learning Lab talk titled, “Gaming & the Classroom: How Can Edu Level Up?”

Thank you to everyone who came out to see us at FETC 2019!

TCEA (Texas Computer Education Association, February 4-8, 2019 in San Antonio, TX)

Next, let’s hear about why the TCEA conference matters from our Ozobot-er Tara.

“My favorite part about attending TCEA is that I get to meet the educators that I have previously engaged with online. Between hosting webinars and answering emails, I have had the opportunity to talk to some wonderful people who are passionate about teaching and are excited to introduce new ways of learning into their classrooms. These educators inspire us in so many ways. Meeting them in person and getting their feedback on Ozobot is one of the most rewarding parts of these conferences.”

A big thanks to all those who saw us at TCEA as well, and to sum up our experience with the first Edu events of 2019, let’s close with a haiku by our Creative Director, Jr.:

looking back at our
first two events of the year
came, and we conquered.

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