Teaching Strategies

Why Teamwork is a Future-Proof Skill for All Students

Effective teamwork and collaboration are skills that will be part of every student’s future career. Most people work in teams, not on their own. This goes for small business owners, who must cooperate with their suppliers and their customers, as well as scientists, who have whole teams of researchers they collaborate with. As such, collaboration …

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20 End of Year STEAM Field Trips in Birmingham

Your students are aching to put down their books and enjoy a hands-on experience! The best way to remember content is with activities, adventures, and excursions. Fortunately, there are dozens of places in Birmingham to do this. It doesn’t matter what grade you teach or what your course materials are, there are great field trip …

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How to Introduce Coding Into Every Subject — And Why You Should

For years, educators have placed coding in a technological box. Kids learn coding in the computer science classroom—which is either an elective in schools or not offered at all. There’s no space for programming in the music classroom, the language arts class, or in poetry lessons. However, as our knowledge and exploration of technology grows, …

How to Introduce Coding Into Every Subject — And Why You Should Read More »

What are Future-Ready Skills and How Can They Help Students Succeed?

If you ask an adult about the most important information they learned in school, they likely won’t cite a particular battle during the Civil War or what goes in the nucleus of a cell. Instead they will likely tell you about a skill they developed, a teacher who inspired them, or an overarching lesson they …

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Women’s History Month: Eight Books to Inspire Elementary-Age Feminists

Women’s History Month is a time to honor those women who fought to give girls the opportunities they have today. However, we tend to forget that history happens every day. History happens when a young woman enters the science lab, runs for city council or joins the football team. History happens when a teenager looks …

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Women’s History Month: The Top 30 Female and Female-Identifying Teachers to Follow on Twitter

Students get so much more out of the classroom than the set curriculum. They learn about societal norms, what they like and don’t like, and who they can be someday. Teachers have an enormous responsibility in educating the next generation, and many go above and beyond to create a safe, engaging classroom that promotes a …

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Tech TOSAs 101: 10 Tips for Teachers on Special Assignment

What exactly IS a Tech TOSA? We are lucky to have two former Teachers on Special Assignment in our community of Ozobot educators, Amanda Taylor and Christina Whitmire, who sat down with us to explain the role in their own words and provide tips and tricks for new or aspiring Tech TOSAs. Amanda Taylor began her …

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Black History Month: How to Discuss Racism with Younger Students

Some teachers and school districts teach Black History Month exclusively as history. They start with slavery, work their way through the civil rights movement, and then stop after they name a few modern African American heroes. However, history is happening today, and more students than ever (including younger students) are turning to their teachers with …

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Cross-Age Peer Mentoring: Why You Need It In Your Classroom

Mentorship can be beneficial in all areas of life, including career mentors, spiritual advisors, and more. Many schools and educators have been implementing special types of mentoring programs in the classroom: cross-age peer mentoring (aka buddy programs!). Younger kids have always looked up to older kids. While adulthood may seem so far away, a student …

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Personalized Learning 101

The term “personalized learning” became prominent in the mid-2010s, particularly in the world of educational technology. Personalized learning has been embraced by a number of big names in technology, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, education writer Anya Kamenetz says. Yet it has taken a while for its various …

Personalized Learning 101 Read More »

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