
#BuiltWithOzoBlockly: Evo Graduates

It’s graduation season, a time of bittersweet goodbyes and looking forward to new experiences next year. Evo, our favorite creative companion, is graduating too–from Mode 4 to Mode 5 of OzoBlockly!

Mode 5 is the Master Mode of OzoBlockly, Ozobot’s block-based programming editor. It takes programming with Evo and Bit to a whole new level. In Master Mode, several new block categories have been introduced, including lists, arrays, and blocks that give you control over Evo and Bit’s button.

Find details about everything that’s new in Mode 5 here. >

Master Mode also introduces some awesome new music blocks. These blocks are for Evo only, since Evo has a built-in speaker. Dip your toes into Master Mode by creating this quick program that gets Evo to play the first few bars of Pomp & Circumstance, the anthem of grads everywhere.

You’ll need:

Follow these steps to make Evo perform Pomp & Circumstance:

  1. On your computer or tablet, open the OzoBlockly editor at ozoblockly.com/editor.
  2. At the top of OzoBlockly’s left sidebar, select your bot (Evo).  
  3. Just, below that, select Master Mode.   
  4. At the top of the right sidebar, click the Profile icon and sign in to your Evo account. This is the same username and password you use to sign in to the Evo app. Signing in will open the Profile panel. From here, you can access pre-existing Evo programs, like Rev Up, and save and organize your own programs.
  5. From the left sidebar, drag and drop blocks to re-create the program below:

Hint: Did you know you can create a program out of blocks from different Modes? For this program, we combined Light blocks from Mode 3 with Sound blocks from Mode 5.

Finally, load your code to Evo and watch Evo perform! Trouble loading or saving? Click here for a primer on Evo and OzoBlockly.

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