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Our New Video Lessons: For Hands-On Learning Anywhere

Many educators are currently facing the uncertainty of planning for back to school. Ozobot is here to help! We’ve been working to help you teach core subjects anywhere, without sacrificing STEAM learning. Enter our new, student-facing video lessons. 

About Learn Anywhere Lessons

Here’s our commitment to you. All of the Ozobot-generated lessons we’ll release over the coming months will be compatible with in-person, remote, or hybrid teaching for grades 2-8. A selection of lessons will be available for grades PK-12. These lessons are designed to be self-paced and self-guided for students with instructional videos throughout. 

Note: need bots for all your students to take full advantage of these Learn Anywhere lessons? Request a demo today to start your Ozobot program–you might be surprised by the federal and state initiatives it qualifies for!

Each of our remote-friendly lessons will take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete, and we recommend assigning one lesson per week. Our team is busy developing lessons, and will release new content for grades 2-5 weekly, so you can follow this recommended pacing. For other grades, PK-2 and 6-12, the initial four week release works for all of these grade levels. Register for one of our upcoming webinars to dive deeper into these lessons, earn PD, and get tips for adapting for Bit or other grade levels!

Weeks 1-4: Intro to STEAM >

Grades PK-12

These introductory, STEAM lessons will give your students a solid understanding of how Ozobots work and our screen-free way to code: Color Codes. Lessons include:

  1. Introduction to Ozobot: Get to Know Evo
  2. Introduction to Color Codes 1: Line Following
  3. Introduction to Color Codes 2: Drawing Color Codes
  4. Introduction to Color Codes 3: Directionality

Week 5: Math >

Grades 2-5

These ready-to-run lessons will increase student engagement while meeting Common Core State Standards for Math. Lessons include:

  • Grade 2: What’s My Value
  • Grade 3: Mix It Up Multiplication
  • Grade 4: Division Maze
  • Grade 5: Number Randomizer

Week 6: ELA >

Grades 2-5

These ready-to-run lessons will increase student engagement while meeting Common Core State Standards for ELA. Lessons include:

  • Grade 2: Picking Out Irregular Plural Nouns
  • Grade 3: How to Make a Sandwich
  • Grade 4: ID the Structure
  • Grade 5: Prepositions by Chance

Week 7: Math >

Grades 2-5

These ready-to-run lessons will increase student engagement while meeting Common Core State Standards for Math. Lessons include:

  • Grade 2: Odd or Even Shopping
  • Grade 3: Rounding Fun
  • Grade 4: Division with Remainders
  • Grade 5: Maze of Operations

Week 8: ELA >

Grades 2-5

These ready-to-run lessons will increase student engagement while meeting Common Core State Standards for ELA. Lessons include:

  • Grade 2: Vowel Addition
  • Grade 3: Ozobot Plays with Verbs and Adverbs
  • Grade 4: ID the Structure
  • Grade 5: Triangle’s Story

Week 9: Math >

Grades 2-5

These ready-to-run lessons will increase student engagement while meeting Common Core State Standards for ELA. Lessons include:

  • Grade 2: Money Mountains
  • Grade 3: Equivalent Fraction Match Up
  • Grade 4: Division Race
  • Grade 5: Ordered-Pairs

Halloween Edition: Ozobot Trick or Treat >

Grades 2-8

This ready-to-run lesson makes subjects like math and social studies a real treat!

Ozobot for President – Election Day Activities >

Grades K-8

These ready-to-run lessons will make subjects like math and social studies a real treat! Lessons include:

  • Grades K-2: Ozobot for President (Beginner)
  • Grades 3-8: Ozobot for President (Advanced)

Gratitude Party: A Thanksgiving Activity + ELA Lessons >

Grades 2-8

Students will identify what they’re grateful for with a Thanksgiving activity, while at the same time exploring social studies and SEL/Digital Citizenship concepts. Lessons include:

  • Grades 2-8: Thanksgiving Gratitude Party
  • Grade 3: Prefix Puzzle
  • Grade 4: What’s the Word Relay
  • Grade 5: Synonyms in Action

Video lessons will be released regularly, so keep an eye on our blog for even more!

What Materials are Included? 

These lessons are designed with flexibility in mind! Even though they are “remote-friendly,” they include support materials for teachers to utilize in all settings–hybrid, remote, and synchronous. Each lesson includes:

  • For Teachers
    • Lesson Plan: Use it to teach synchronously or as a reference when assigning remote work.
    • Includes standards met by each lesson, which can include: CCSS ELA, CCSS Math, NGSS, CSTA, ISTE 
  • For Students 
    • Instructional Video: Provides students with any and all background information, front loads content, and guides students through step-by-step
    • Activity Guide and Activity Sheets: Print these pages and distribute to students or distribute them digitally to be printed at home.

Steps for Instruction

Completing Ozobot lessons with your students is easy–whether you’re teaching in person, remotely, or in a hybrid model. For step-by-step instructions, see our Get Started Guide for Educators:

upcoming webinars to dive deeper into these lessons (and earn PD)!

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