Back to school 2024 guide for STEAM education by Ozobot

Back to School 2024 with Ozobot: Your Ultimate Guide

As summer winds down and the back-to-school season approaches, educators everywhere are gearing up for another exciting academic year. With the ever-evolving landscape of technology and education, preparing for back-to-school as an educator has never been more crucial. This year, make the transition smoother and more innovative with the help of Ozobot STEM education tools. In this guide, we’ll explore how to prep for back-to-school, highlight essential tools and tech, and showcase the best Ozobot products for back-to-school 2024, including the Evo Classroom Kit and Color Code Magnet Kits.

How to Prep for Back-to-School as an Educator

1. Organize Your Curriculum

Begin by reviewing and updating your curriculum to incorporate the latest educational trends and technologies. Integrating Ozobot classroom activities can enhance your STEM curriculum, making it more engaging and interactive for students. Plan your lessons around coding, robotics, and problem-solving to keep students excited about learning.

2. Create an Inviting Classroom Environment

A welcoming classroom environment fosters a positive learning atmosphere. Decorate your classroom with colorful posters, organize seating arrangements for collaborative learning, and set up designated areas for STEM projects with Ozobot. This not only makes the space inviting but also emphasizes the importance of hands-on learning.

3. Plan Interactive Lessons

Interactive lessons are key to keeping students engaged. Incorporate Ozobot coding lessons into your daily schedule to introduce students to the basics of programming and robotics across a variety of subjects, including Science, ELA, and Math. Use resources such as Ozobot Classroom, Ozobot’s free lesson library, to find pre-made lessons and activities that align with your curriculum goals.

4. Prepare Essential Supplies

Ensure you have all the necessary supplies for the school year. Stock up on essential items like markers, paper, rulers, and other materials needed for Ozobot coding activities. Having these supplies ready will save you time and help you smoothly transition into the new school year.

5. Engage with Parents and Guardians

Effective communication with parents and guardians is vital. Host an open house or send out newsletters to inform them about the exciting projects their children will be participating in. Highlight the benefits of STEM education and how Ozobot can enhance their child’s learning experience.

Tools & Tech to Make Back to School an Easier Transition

1. Digital Lesson Plans

Leverage digital tools to create and share lesson plans. Platforms such as Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams make it easy to distribute assignments, track student progress, and provide feedback. Integrating Ozobot coding activities into these platforms allows for seamless lesson execution and monitoring.

2. Interactive Whiteboards

Interactive whiteboards are fantastic for visual learning and collaboration. Use them to display Ozobot coding activities, demonstrate programming basics for children, and engage students in group problem-solving tasks. Interactive whiteboards make lessons more dynamic and interactive.

3. Ozobot Classroom

Ozobot Classroom is a comprehensive platform designed to support educators in integrating Ozobot into their teaching. Ozobot Classroom offers hundreds of free lesson plans, activities and coding challenges for grades K-12. Utilize this platform to enhance your teaching and provide students with a rich learning experience.

4. Classroom Management Apps

Classroom management apps like ClassDojo and Remind help you stay organized and communicate effectively with students and parents. Use these apps to send reminders about upcoming Ozobot lessons, track student behavior, and share classroom updates.

5. Online Coding Courses 

Supplement your teaching with online coding courses for kids. Websites like offer free resources and tutorials that align with Ozobot STEM education. These courses provide additional practice and reinforce the concepts taught in the classroom. For educators looking to

Best Ozobot Products for Back to School 2024

Evo Classroom Kit

The Evo Classroom Kit is perfect for introducing students to the world of coding and robotics. This kit includes everything you need to get started with Ozobot STEM education in the classroom. Available in sets of 12 or sets of 18 robots. Features include:

  • Evo Robots: Versatile desk-friendly robots that teach students programming basics through fun and interactive activities.
  • Color Code Markers: Allow students to create Color Codes by drawing paths that Evo follows, making coding accessible, hands-on, and exciting. 
  • Getting Started Guide: Provides step-by-step instructions for setting up and using Evo in the classroom.

Color Code Magnet Kits 

The Color Code Magnet Kits are a fantastic addition to any K-5 classroom. These kits allow students to learn coding through hands-on activities that involve creating color-coded paths for their Ozobot Evo robot to follow. Benefits include:

  • Engaging Learning: Students can see the immediate results of their coding efforts as their Ozobot follows the color-coded paths.
  • Interactive Lessons: These kits encourage collaboration and problem-solving among students.
  • Easy Integration: The magnet kits are easy to set up and use, making them ideal for any classroom setting.

OzoGoes to the Solar System STEAM Kit

OzoGoes to the Solar System

Engage students in exploring the wonders of the solar system while learning fundamental STEAM concepts and engineering skills with OzoGoes to the Solar System. This STEAM Kit Gain is designed to supplement classroom learning, and offers ready-to-go creative and educational activities that encourage problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration through practicing real-world applications. Benefits include:

  • Interactive, Hands-on Project: One kit engages groups or individual learners
  • Standards-Aligned Lessons: Ready-to-go lessons, activities, and fact cards aligned with NGSS
  • Additional Resources: QR code to access free digital STEAM Kit lessons in Ozobot Classroom

Using Ozobot to Transform Your Classroom

Preparing for back-to-school 2024 as an educator is an exciting opportunity to embrace new tools and technologies that can enhance your teaching and engage your students. By incorporating Ozobot STEM education into your curriculum, you can make learning fun, interactive, and impactful. From organizing your curriculum and creating an inviting classroom environment to utilizing essential tools and tech, this guide has provided you with the insights and resources needed to make a successful transition.

Don’t miss out on the benefits of Ozobot for your classroom. Explore the Evo Entry Kit, Evo Classroom Kit, and Color Code Magnet Kits today to bring coding and robotics to life for your students. 

Ready to transform your classroom with Ozobot? Visit to purchase the Evo Classroom Kit and Color Code Magnet Kits. 

By following these steps and utilizing the best educational tools and products, you’ll be well-prepared for an engaging and successful school year with Ozobot. For more tips, resources, and products, visit the Ozobot blog or follow @ozobot on social media and start planning your best school year yet!

Happy teaching!

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