3 More Winter Wonderland-Themed Ozobot Activities

We hope that you and your students have had a chance to try some of the projects from our first round of winter-themed activities (if you missed that post, check it out here!). Since winter is such a special time of year, we’re giving you even more activities to celebrate the season!

These activities will inspire students to gain more knowledge of other cultural traditions, test their Color Codes and OzoBlockly skills, and collaborate with each other. After all, ‘tis the season to come together and celebrate everyone’s holiday and winter traditions.

Winter Traditions Parade

Coding Method: Color Codes and OzoBlockly
Grades: 1-6

The winter season is special all around the world, and each part of the world has its own special traditions. Students will spend two class sessions researching a unique winter tradition and customizing their Evo or Bit to represent it. Then, they’ll bring all the traditions together for an epic Ozobot parade. Standout stars in last year’s parade at Ozobot HQ included Krampus and a bucket of KFC chicken. This activity helps students collaborate and discover more cultural practices and values around the globe.


Color Codes
Grades: K-5

You’ve heard of Christmas Evo, but what about Christmas Evo?!? This lesson comes with printable PDFs and instructions to turn Evo or Bit into Santa Claus and help them deliver presents to houses on the big night. Using Color Codes, students will have to program their bots to avoid the Grinch and make it safely back to the North Pole.

Winter Scavenger Hunt

Color Codes
Grades: K-12

In this lesson, each student will be given a track for Evo or Bit to follow. Within the track are photos of winter-themed items (colorful lights, cookies, a snowman, and more!). Students must fill in the blank boxes with Color Codes to program their bot to visit each item once.

We’d love to see your students participating in these activities! Be sure to tag us in your posts on social media with @ozobot and #ozosquad.

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